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Baby #2 should be here any day and this past weekend, we celebrated with a BaByQ and all of our family and friends.  Needless to say, the nursery was done and waiting for everyone to see!

Here are a few of the details that we added to the nursery:

These are the curtains that I purchased from Ikea and then added my own fabric for some unique embellishments.  When I did my daughter’s nursery a few years ago, I made the curtains as well and made them so they could be drawn shut at night time.  Well, I must not be a very good seamstress, because they just didn’t hold up.  For this nursery, I left the curtains stationary and added the black out shade instead.  The shade is so inexpensive and costs much less than purchasing black out materials for the back of the curtains.  I got a custom look with the store-bought curtains for less that $40!

This is a mobile from Ikea as well.  I thought it would work well as a great detail above the window (we already have a great mobile left over from my daughter’s nursery).  I stuffed it with plastic bags, a great way to recycle I must say!  My daughter points it out every time we go into the nursery.

Just a few accessories for the shelving.  I chose to accessorize with items that can be used as toys in the future . . . this is a huge money saver as they do double duty!  I also like the used items that are personal to us . . . for example, the stuffed dog was given to me by my husband when we were in college.  Now, it will be a fun and cherished toy for Baby #2.  I also like the have a few family photos around the room.  The one on the shelf will soon hold a picture of Baby #2 and there is a picture of my husband, daughter, and myself by the glider chair.

These are some adorable hooks from Ikea.  I learned very quickly from the first baby that I need to have some things easily accessible such as blankets, hats, coats, and toys for distraction.  They are beside the changing table right next to the door and they will get lots of use!

EASY STORAGE!!!  These bins were SUPER cheap at IKEA and fit perfectly under the crib.  I filled them with all of the toys from when my daughter was little.  This has actually helped her become excited about the baby’s room.  She loves to go in there and pull out the toys.  It gives her a special place in the room and I hope she uses them when I am in there caring for the baby.  These bins will also be great for the future as they can easily be adapted for clothing or toy storage.

A little green lamp on clearance for $10 at Target and a couple of picture frames beside the glider complete the accessories.  The smaller frame actually holds a “baseball card” of my husband when he was a little boy.  I love to look at it and see my daughter’s eyes reflected in his face!  The quilt was made by many church ladies when my husband was born and it also has a matching dog stuffed animal that is in the crib.  It is a great and personal accent.

BIG MONEY SAVING TIP:  Use personal items!  Don’t feel like everything needs to be bought brand new.  Contact some of your relatives and ask if they have any cherished blankets, toys, family photos, etc.  These accents make the room feel cozy and warm.  also, if you are going to buy, buy things that can do double duty . . . storage for clothing, toys, and blankets or accessories that can be used as toys later on.

I will post some pics of the nursery when it is in use . . . hopefully, that will be soon!  Enjoy!

-Amanda- High Fire Mommy

Just a random thought as I struggled to dress my little monkey this morning . . . why isn’t there a size between 12 months and 18 months?

Ivy recently grew out of her 12 month clothing and being the crazy shopper that I am . . . I was just itching to get out there and dress my little girl up for the beautiful weather.  Anyone who has ever shopped for a little girl knows that there are more patterns, fabrics, colors, and embellishments than any one little girl can wear in a life time.  Gran jumped in the car and we immediately sought out the 18 month clothing.

As soon as we were home, I dressed Ivy up for a quick fashion show for her Daddy.  Needless to say, I was disappointed.  The 18 month clothing, while better than the 12 month clothing, was still bulky and long.  My little one is tall and thin with the exception of the mondo cloth diaper bottom that she hauls around . . . you would think that she would transition pretty well into this larger size, wrong!

Why isn’t there a size between 12 months and 18 months?  You would think that manufacturers would be more than willing to take advantage of the new-mom-drama and produce this size . . . more clothing, more money, right?

Anyone else struggling with size issues?

Love lots,

Amanda- High Fire Mommy

On Tuesday I’ll be 25 weeks pregnant.  In a way time is flying by.  In another way, the every day gets more uncomfortable, my skin really isn’t made to stretch like this, what is constantly moving in my stomach??, time is slowly creeping by.

I know when I was pregnant with Christopher I noticed all of these things good and bad but, I think I was so wrapped up in work that I just pushed through them.  This time around I’m noticing more of the movements and more of the tiredness and just more.  It’s different.

We had a minor scare this past week.  I started experiencing cramping and we thought it might be pre term labor.  The doctor told me to rest and not to lift anything until he could see me the following morning.  After getting checked out and getting a few tests run every thing was normal.  He said it was probably ligament pain, which means muscles stretching and causing pain.  I knew my stomach wasn’t supposed to stretch like that!

Anyway, the whole experience freaked me out a little bit.  I’ve said from the beginning that this time when I reach 30 weeks I’m having a party because that means I made it past 29 weeks and 5 days that I was at when I had Christopher.  When there was a possibility that something could be going wrong again it was so frustrating, especially because I’m still 4.5 weeks away from where I was the first time.

The closer I get to 29 weeks, the more on edge I feel.  I’m hoping that I’ll hit 29 weeks and just keep going like any normal pregnant lady, only with a minor celebration when I hit 30 weeks!

So far, everything else has been great.  Weight gain is on track.  I never got really sick except for the flu incident.  Really, the only hard thing has been being really tired all the time and trying to keep up with Christopher.  I’d much rather have that over working through another pregnancy though.

I’m just going to keep taking it one day at a time and enjoy my last few months with Christopher all by himself 🙂

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